An Estonian girl who has found a home in Sweden.

Wednesday, February 11

February 11, 2004 Posted by Vaire

Blogger and do not talk to each other again. I'm gettin' mighty annoyed about this and will look into renting my own domain.

Here are the socks and Sassu who just 'happens' to be wherever some action is. Because of the colors I named them my Toes on Fire socks. Please pardon the non-existent quality of the pictures.

Toes on Fire socks

I couldn't make up my mind which photo is better, so I uploaded them both.

Toes on Fire socks, again

The cuff on the right sock looks wider because I decided to use the zig-zag pattern after I'd ripped back to the gusset increases on the first one. It's OK, they are socks to be comfy in and have your toes on fire... er... warm.

On Monday I went back to the hairdresser and had my hair dyed. Monday week ago the plan was to get some lowlights to liven up my natural drab color. What I really wanted was black hair with some lilac highlights because my own color is so incredibly dull and since I don't work anymore I can go wild with color. Well, once you start dyeing, you must continue so it was a no-go. No work = no money for regular touch-ups at hairdresser. That lasted until a friend reminded me that my hair is short enough I can dye it myself. Yay! The hairdresser didn't have any goth colors so I got copper stripes instead. I love it! Even if I have to spend the rest of my life dyeing my hair, black is my color and it stays.

Tuedsay was spent packing yarn. I got almost all of it packed, I keep finding more skeins and I ran out of ziplocs.

Today I emptied my embroidery supplies and general sewing drawers. Just now I remembered that I missed one cupboard filled with yarn and UFOs. Sigh.

Wednesday update:

  1. Pack everything I want to take with me.
    I'm making progress. There's still lots to pack, but my room is looking emptier.
  2. Throw or give away the rest.
    I've stopped counting the 150 litre trashbags. It was fun in the beginning, but now it's depressing how much crap I've produced/accumulated.
  3. Find a store in Tallinn that sells ziploc plastic bags.
  4. Get more boxes to cram more stuff in.
  5. Visit tax people and get my income tax declaration sorted out.
  6. Finish a website for a client by 1st of February.
    The layout and graphics have been approved, but it still needs more materials from client.
  7. Take out braids and get a haircut or new braids.
    Got a haircut, didn't like it much. On Monday I had my hair dyed black with copper highlights, I like it a lot.
  8. Meet with friends to say goodbye.
  9. Help a friend to shop fabric for a medieval dress.
    Went shopping today with her and another Rewal club member. She bought fabric for a smock, nothing for a dress, but now she has much better idea what to look for.
  10. Give back things I have borrowed.
    I delivered some and now I've found more.
  11. Get back things people have borrowed from me.
    I got back most of my books (one will be delivered in March), but I forgot to ask for a silk veil and a neckerchief.
  12. Empty the cupboard at work and clean out the PC.
  13. Get a new computer.
    Windows Explorer still doesn't want to refresh properly when I scroll thumbnails.
  14. Get the residence permit stamp in my passport.
  15. Go to a dentist for a checkup.
  16. Have one of my wisdom teeth pulled.
  17. Take the cable modem back to the cable company and have my internet connecion terminated.