An Estonian girl who has found a home in Sweden.

Wednesday, January 30

I Got a Gym Membership

January 30, 2008 Posted by Vaire

The new company we work for has a policy that they pay 2000 SEK per year to cover gym costs. The employee gets to choose which gym they go to and will have to pay the membership cost over 2000. This has actually made it possible for me to get to a gym.

I took an advantage of the offer and have gotten a membership in my local gym. I want to build stamina and shape my muscles. I'm not going to count how many calories I've burnt because I won't be focusing on that. I just want to be able to walk for hours like I used to and have a shapely body.

Having a gym so close to the flat makes it more likely that I'll make it there. The gym in Dublin was a bother to get to. First you walked for half an hour to get there from work, after training you had to walk for 40 minutes to get home. Ugh! Now it takes two minutes, tops, to walk home from the gym and the bus from work stops right in front of it.

I haven't yet decided if I should take the public transport in gym clothes or change there. Or perhaps go home first, change there and then go to the gym.

What I have decided is that I shall go to the gym at least once a week and get a healthier body. Even if I have to brave the lingerie store and buy a sports bra first!

Monday, January 28

New Old Look

January 28, 2008 Posted by Vaire

I've changed the template of the blog a few times, but I always return to this one — the one I started with. I made this template when I began blogging, the other ones I've used were free ones made by others or again made by me. I made the photo albums to match this one and never really changed them to reflect the other templates.

I had a plan to change the layout for the blogiversary in December, but got busy with the move and everything, so it never happened. I still want to make that new template, but it'll take some time before it's finished. I put back the old one because I was thoroughly bored with the look.

The main column is dynamic, which is good if you deal with relatively narrow screen widths (600-1024 pixels). With todays widescreens, the line length is too long to read comfortably if the browser window is maximised. I might fix that before I put up a new template. Or not, it depends how easy it is to alter the CSS stylesheet and how greatly it alters the look.

Now that I've bored you to death with ramblings about web tech, I'll leave you with eye candy.

Light and shadows

One night I noticed how interesting the shadow was that the water bottle was casting so I snapped a pic.

Friday, January 25

I Miss Ireland

January 25, 2008 Posted by Vaire

I miss Ireland, Dublin and my friends there. I miss our household, housemates, SCA, Pandora, house dinners (P's lasagna *dreamy sigh*) and Sunday breakfasts. And that is good. It is good that I miss the fun, the good things and have put the banks, public transport and the office climate behind me.

Every time when things don't go very well here, I start yearning back. Basic human psychology at work here — we want the familiar, the secure and the safe. After spending two years in Dublin, I know how things work (or not, as is the case); I know where to find what I need, I know how to get where I want to go and I spoke the language fluently.

I'm still finding things out about Stockholm. For example buses in Stockholm are occasionally late, or early. Every time I get pissed about some little detail like that, I automatically miss Dublin. Then I remind myself that a bus being late four minutes in Stockholm is not a big deal, the bus never coming in Dublin was.

I hated the bus system in Dublin, hated it with a blinding passion. I still get upset when I think about all the time I spent waiting for buses that never came or were half an hour late. I'm not gonna tell any stories now, I don't want to be angry. Promise never to ask me about buses or banks or IDs in Ireland unless you want me to swear a blue streak, become raging mad and smoke rise from my ears.

Um. Where was I? Ah, yes. I've bought tickets to visit Dublin in February. I'm fetching my stuff that I had to leave behind and I want to visit friends. I miss them and the good things about Ireland.

That's how it should be.

Wednesday, January 23

Leyburn Socks

January 23, 2008 Posted by Vaire

Last year I knit a pair of Leyburn Socks. I'd had problems to find a good pattern for this yarn because it's striping was somewhat erratic. I wanted something more interesting than plain socks, but not too busy. The Leyburns' pattern fit the bill to a T.

Leyburn Socks

Leyburn Socks.

Leyburn Socks with Mao

Naturally Mao had to come and see why I was sitting on the floor. He lost interest soon because I ignored him. If I'd tried to shove his ass out of the picture, he'd decide I was good for a petting session.

Leyburn detail

Detail shot of the stitch pattern. Compressing the image did some weird things to the picture clarity. I really must find a good tutorial about image manipulation for web and learn how to take decent pictures.

Monday, January 21

Project of the Month - January

January 21, 2008 Posted by Vaire

Our company moved last Friday and the new place didn't want all the furniture. The employees were free to choose from the pieces left behind what they liked. I chose a table from the kitchen, a task lamp and a wastepaper basket.

A coworker helped me to take home the load and set up the table. I took pictures of the new setups, they are in the Flat Album. I must say that I'm totally in love with my kitchen. I only need to make a runner for the table, sew some tea towels and pilow covers, put up the rest of my SCA awards and it's finished.

In the spirit of decorating, I finally put up my stained glass ornaments. The only eligible window was in the bathroom, so there they went.

Bathroom window with ornaments

They are a bit small for this window, but then they were made for the kitchen window in Tallinn. I took a Tiffany style stained glass course in the summer of '99 and these two are the result. They are a bit wonky, but what do you expect for first try?

Stained glass sun

The weather up here can be dreary for days upon end. I made this one so I'd always have sun shining in my window.

Stained glass clouds

I made the clouds to balance the sun. All sun all the time is not good either.

Go check out the rest of the pictures, the kitchen is lovely and the new task lamp is much better than the old one.

Wednesday, January 16

Need a Laugh?

January 16, 2008 Posted by Vaire

Need a laugh?

Check this out.

Monday, January 14

Bento Love

January 14, 2008 Posted by Vaire

The company I work for is moving to a new location on Friday. The current facilities have their own kitchen with a fridge, freezer, stove, oven, two microwaves, water kettle and an espresso machine. The new facilities have a microwave oven and queues every lunchtime. *sigh* Bye-bye good coffee.

Since I'm loosing weight by eating right, I've been packing my own lunch. Until now I didn't have to worry if the box had to be kept in the fridge or not, there was always room. In the new place there even won't be a fridge, so I've had to mull things over and come up with a lunch that doesn't require refrigeration in order not to make me sick.

Enter bento.

Bento is a single-portion takeout or home-packed meal common in Japanese cuisine. A traditional bento consists of rice, fish or meat, and one or more pickled or cooked vegetables as a side dish.
Source: Wikipedia

The reason why I got so exited about the concept is that bento lunches are kept at room temperature. They do not require refrigeration or heating up and they contain rice, lots of it. I love rice, just plain rice without any seasonings or sauces. There are so many different kinds and I've been meaning to try them anyway.

I've been reading different sites dedicated to the art of bento. Yes, it actually can be art. Just like origami is an art of folding paper and ikebana is an art of arranging flowers, bento is an art of arranging food. It does not have to be an art, but there are a few basic rules that I do intend to follow as best as I can.

Rule of 3-1-2: Each box must consist of 3 parts of grain, 1 part of protein and 2 parts of vegetables. In Japan the grain is rice, but I don't see why I couldn't have buckwheat instead, or any other grain that I like. This rule I will be sticking to.

Rule of five colours (goshiki): Each box will include at least one dish from each colour group (red/orange, white, black/purple/brown, yellow and green). I expect I'll be breaking this rule quite often in the beginning, but at least I'll try to include as many colour groups as I can. This rule forces me to be more creative with food and I quite like the challenge.

Rule of five cooking methods (goho): Each box will include one dish prepared by five different cooking methods. For example: grilling, frying, steaming, pickling and boiling. There's also baking, simmering, smoking, blanching, pureeing, doing nothing (raw), etc. This rule will be more of a guideline, I'll do what I can, but I won't fret about it. The less time I spend assembling the box in the morning, the better.

After lusting over some beautiful bento boxes in various Japanese web stores (that don't deliver outside Japan) I resolved to get an ordinary food storage box. Any box will do, really, as long as it's food safe and can be closed so that the contents won't spill.

I was on my way to the kitchen section in Åhlens and stopped by the Muji display. Well, whaddya know? They had real bento boxes and chopsticks in a case! I had only stopped there out of curiosity, I didn't expect them to have the bento boxes. Of course I looked no further.

The size I got was 500 ml. It is tiny, I mean TINY! When one looks at it, it is inconcievable that there would be enough food for any adult there. The looks are deceiving, though. The first meal I packed was rice with Thai stir fry and it was too much. Mostly because I didn't know about the 3-1-2 rule and had too much meat; the rice and the meat filled a normal size dinner plate. That tiny box had that much food in it! Amazing.

The official Japanese nutritional guidelines say that the right size for me, according to my height and lifestyle, is 600 ml. There weren't any 600 ml boxes in Muji and I still want to lose 10 kilos, so I figured that 500 ml box will be perfect for me. And it is just right.

I was going to take a picture of today's bento, but the batteries died. Some other day...

Friday, January 11

Watch Band

January 11, 2008 Posted by Vaire

My watch band broke in December and I looked everywhere for a new one. Then I saw Boogie Time in Knitty and got an idea to make my own.

Watch band layed out

However, I thought that Boogie Time would be too thick for the watch and I also wanted to be able to remove and reattach it. So, I decided to use #20 crochet cotton, copy the proportions and make up my own pattern.

Watch band

Another reason I wanted to make my own was colour. Everything I saw in stores was boring and uninspired. This one doubles as a wristlet and has precisely the colours I want.

Watch band under wrist

I must apologise for the quality of the photos. They are taken under a lamp without flash because flash emphasised the surface under the band. To give you an idea how distorted the colours are: the yellowish background is my white tabletop. White! *sigh*

Wednesday, January 9

Pics of Christmas Gifts, Part One

January 09, 2008 Posted by Vaire

I've been putting off showing what I've knit for a long while. Partly because I couldn't show you what I was doing and partly because my photography skills suck. (Either that or my camera needs to be replaced.)

I forgot to take pictures of two gifts to my brother and SIL. He said that he'd take them and send them to me in January. I'll post them when I get them.

One Drop Scarf

First off, gift for Mum. One Drop Scarf, knit in Malabrigo Lace.


Zeebee for Dad in Debbie Bliss Donegal Aran Tweed.

Cabled Mitts (Stulpen)

Stulpen by Petra for SIL in Garnstudio Drops Alpaca.

None of these pictures do any justice to the items. Bummer.

Monday, January 7

Weight Update

January 07, 2008 Posted by Vaire

This post was supposed to be writen on Friday, but I was too braindead to even put two coherent words together. I duly apologise.

The history: I've struggled with my weight and self image for some years now. Well, intermittently struggled, mostly I ignored that I was raising like a loaf of bread. With the breakup came lots of introspection and I decided that I want to be at peace with myself. Which also meant that I must stop being obese (86 kilos at my height = BMI 30). A company event in September made me realise exactly how much I was over eating and gave me a reference point for portion sizes.

Fast forward to last Friday morning. The number on the scales was 75.8 kg. Woo! That is 10.4 kilos lost and equals BMI 27. This means that I'm simply overweight, I've achieved a milestone (10 kilos! Half way there!), I've gone down two clothes sizes and am much happier with myself.

That's not to say that this has been easy. There is so much delicious food in the world and I want to eat it all. Living in Hornstull area is especially tempting — there are so many good restaurants there. Takeout is not the healthiest choice to begin with and the portions are about 2 times more than what I'd need.

I'm getting better at curbing the "Ah! I don't want to cook tonight, I'll get sushi/chinese/indian/thai/italian instead" feelings. Of all these choises sushi is the only one that could possibly be healthy and not have too many calories. Maybe. I'm not taking any chances and I'm classifying all the takeout into a treat category.

When I began to lose weight I made a rule that I can have takeout only once a week. That rule got broken several times last year, but I've made a resolution to keep it this year and see if I can extend it to "once a fortnight".

One thing is for sure, no matter what, I'll be slim again and shall never ever EVER compete with a bloke on who can tuck away more.

Wednesday, January 2

How To Sum Up 2007?

January 02, 2008 Posted by Vaire

'From misery to happiness'* would be the most accurate phrase to sum up my last year. Here are the high- and lowlights month by month.


Highlight: We hosted the 12th Night Coronation in Dublin.
Lowlight: Bored out of my wits at work, continued to look for work in Sweden.


Highlight: The first job interviews in Stockholm.
Lowlight: Got a job, but after agonizing over it, decided not to take it.


Highlight: Trip to Bray. R and I took a Dart to Bray, had picnic, a nice walk and shopped a little.
Lowlight: Bored out of my wits at work, continued to look for work in Sweden.


Highlight: Spring Crown Tourney in Sweden.
Lowlight: Bored out of my wits at work, continued to look for work in Sweden. In addition to that, we had to vacate the house we'd lived in by 1st of May. More stress looking for a room.


Highlight: I got a job in Stockholm.
Lowlight: No Internet at the house I'd moved to, being really REALLY bored at work.


Highlight: Moving back to Stockholm.
Lowlight: Organizing the move.


Highlight: The cats, oh how I'd missed them.
Lowlight: None, actually.


Highlight: The support of my friends and family.
Lowlight: My partner of 4½ years broke up with me.


Highlight: Signing the contract on the apartment.
Lowlight: Looking for an apartment to buy.


Highlight: IKEA shopping, continuing support from my friends and family.
Lowlight: Organizing yet another move, my 7th in four years.


Highlight: Moving to my very own apartment.
Lowlight: Moving to the apartment.


Highlight: Living in my very own apartment, visiting my family over the holidays.
Lowlight: None.

2007 didn't begin too well and it took a nose dive in August. It ended very well, though. I'm happy and I intend to keep on being happy in 2008 too.

* Proclaimers – I'm On My Way.