80.5 kilos yesterday. Woot! That is 5 kilos gone, a 1/4 of what I want to lose. At first I wanted to become a swelte 60 kilos again (physically, it is possible) which is on the lower end of healthy. Lately I've given a lot of thought about my weight and what can be done, what is realistic and what is healthy. While 60 kilos is healthy, it is barely realistic. So I decided to go for 65 kilos instead and reassess the situation then. I'd rather weigh 65 kilos and be fit than weigh 60 and have jello for muscles.
12th Night Coronation is over and I finished everything in time. I spent the whole Saturday in the kitchen making krapfen (a German filled doughnut). They came out very well and got lots of compliments. The recipe is below if you want to try them yourself.
The few moments I did not spend in the kitchen I was arranging my A&S entry to the Kingdom A&S championship or attending the judging. The feedback I got was excellent and it will help me prepare the next entry. There is more about the plan at my The Making of a Kampfrau.
Das Buch von Guter Spise, #61
A krapfen
How you want to make a fastday krapfen of nuts with whole kernels. And take as many apples thereunder and cut them diced, as the kernel is, and roast them well with a little honey and mix with spices and put it on the leaves, which you made to krapfen, and let it bake and do not oversalt.
I made a sourdough starter and used some yeast for the dough. There was a lot of dough in the end, it kept growing on me all the time. It was the best dough I've made so far. I'm happy that it turned out so well, it would have been horrible to present the new King and Queen with anything less than my best.