What I meant to write about on Monday was studies. I have finished sfi (Swedish for immigrants) with flying colors, I got the best score at Nationella Provet — VG (Väl Godkänd). When you get that score and want to continue to study Swedish you will take a placement test. The next course to take is SAS (Swedish as second language) and it has three levels: base, A and B. When I was taking the test I had some problems understanding it. I hoped that I would make it to the A level anyway so I wouldn't have to go to the basics class again.
I learned in the placement interview that I had almost made it to the B level! Wow. She said that unfortunately my vocabulary was not quite good enough and recommended a quick summer course to bring me up to speed. As I was planning on taking the A course anyway we came up with the following schedule. I'll begin an intensive A course in August and B course in October, each course will last two months with classes twice a week on the evenings. That way I will be good enough in Swedish to apply for university degree by January. I have decided to become a librarian and that means at least a batchelors degree. Of course I have to be approved to begin the courses I have applied to first.
I also applied to take another course that lasts 4 months: Multimedial webbproduction (Multimedia in web). It should teach me all I need to know about Flash and multimedia to be competitive in web design market. We'll see if I get in.
R has been studying math to qualify for university. Today they got to know the results and he also passed with flying colors. He wants to become a teacher and has applied to Teacher's University to begin this August. He has not heard back from them either.
Pretty radical changes in our careers and lives if we both become students again. We have discussed this extensively and we both agree that this plan is the best for us in the long perspective.