An Estonian girl who has found a home in Sweden.

Saturday, December 6

December 06, 2003 Posted by Vaire

There are a multitude of traditinal Estonian crafts you can learn and do at Rahvakunsti Klubi (Folk Art Club). Today I learned to spin on a castle type spinning wheel. I already knew how to spin on a spindle, but this was new. I used pencil rowing to get the hang of the management of the wheel while not having to get the hang of the drafting at the same time. These are the results:

First spinning

There are supposed to be two hanks of grey-black singles, but my scanner didn't want to cooperate. At least you can get an idea...

The plan is to spin six bobbins of grey-black singles, ply them in pairs and then ply all three pairs together. The end result should be thick six-ply cabled yarn. I'm curious will it work out, they are not the world's most even singles I've produced here. :)