The passport issue was not solved in time and I did go alone. It was a total luxury to have a four person cabin for myself. I usually share the cabin, but this time it was really nice to take time out and think about life, future and everything without interruptions.
I worked some on Daisy and watched TV, shopped a bit and took a tour on the deck. I had a very relaxed trip. In Tallinn, I was picked up by Dad and taken to their apartment. Then we went to the Old Town with Mum. We visited Tallinn City Museum, had lunch at Le Buonaparte (French pastries, yum!) and shopped in a bookstore until it was time to go meet my brother. The whole family gathered to have dinner together, chat and have a good time with good food.
After the dinner I got a lift to the harbour and had another relaxed ride home. We all had a good time and I am very glad that I've moved back closer to family. I'll be definitely doing this again!
Yesterday Mao got hold of the leftover Lemon/Lime yarn. Since the blanket was finshed, I didn't rescue the yarn immediatly, but snapped this.
I am amazed to report that I'm happy with life. The nagging doubts and insecurities are gone, things are clear and I have pretty good idea how to continue. Happy! :D