An Estonian girl who has found a home in Sweden.

Thursday, April 19

April 19, 2007 Posted by Vaire

I still haven't got my laptop back. They fixed it and sent to a wrong address. Today I finally got hold of someone who actually knows what they are doing and it should be sent back to Ireland next week. Let's hope I can actually get it back this time.

I had a job interview in Stockholm last week, which I thought went well. They said they'd contact me next week (this week now). It's Thursday night and I haven't heard anything from them. I'm worried.

Last weekend was Drachenwald spring Crown Tourney. It was a very good event, I got to hang out with friends whom I hadn't seen for too long. I finished six items for the A&S competition, but didn't win. One of the judges explained that while the quality of the items themselves was very good, I'd tried to cram too much into the documentation. Live and learn. I'll do better next time.

Unfortunately I was having such a good time I forgot to take any pictures. Once I get my laptop back I'll put up the pics I have.