Never, ever, ever again shall I move to a place without broadband. Never! It is like your brain size is reduced to a microscopic fraction of what it used to be because you're cut off from all the knowledge on the 'net. On top of not being able to check out things like bus schedules or maps, you can't keep in touch with friends or family, can't honor the commitments you've made online and can't check up on how's everyone doing in blogland. I was without regular Internet access from August 29 to December 17. Awful!
To get broadband here in Tyrrelstown was like an Odyssey. First, we didn't have a fix phone or cable TV. Then we got the phone and the TV, but the companies didn't provide broadband in this area. I checked other companies, but had no luck: either they didn't come to Tyrrelstown or they didn't respond to our queries about broadband. Then finally last week our cable TV provider notified us that they now provide broadband too. The minute I saw the ad I rang them up and scheduled an installation. With the consent of the landlady, of course. Also, after I'd scheduled the installation I fulfilled a dream: bought my own domain. No more "This blog has moved" messages. Once I have figured out the details of the site structure, I'll let you know what the new address is.
So, now I'm back and I intend begin blogging regularly again. During my absence the blog became two years old on December 1. Happy birthday, blog!
Odds and ends I found on my camera.

Mao and Ursus snuggling.

Mao In Sink.

Tallinn harbour at night as you arrive.