This is a spinning project I've been working on since February. The plan was to divide the single into two lengths and then ply those together, synching the colour repeats so that the final yarn would have very little barber poling.
Yeah. The colour repeats are not the same length. I had to un-ply this yarn once already to start the colour exactly at the same place in the repeat.
I have a couple options here. One is to just toss it. There is plenty of wool to be spun out there. Or I could un-ply the yarn again, and chain ply instead of 2-ply. The last option is a lot of work and the 3-ply yarn will be thicker than I wanted the yarn to be. The result will be disappointing and hard work no matter what I'd try to do to make this yarn to behave. I'm not sure it's worth the effort.