In two and half weeks I must accomplish:
- Pack everything I want to take with me.
- Throw or give away the rest.
- Find a store in Tallinn that sells ziploc plastic bags.
- Get more boxes to cram more stuff in.
- Visit tax people and get my income tax declaration sorted out.
- Finish a website for a client by 1st of February.
- Take out braids and get a haircut or new braids.
- Meet with friends to say goodbye.
- Help a friend to shop fabric for a medieval dress.
- Give back things I have borrowed.
- Get back things people have borrowed from me.
- Empty the cupboard at work and clean out the PC.
Good thing is that I get to keep a part (web designer) of my job because it can be done anywhere with Internet connection. I will give up being an information systems analyst for the time being. The transfer from permanent contract to project-based contract is taken care of, I just need to finish the projects I'm working on now before the permanent contract ends on 31st of January.
Packing is going fine, except I can't find ziploc bags for my yarn. I don't want to throw all the skeins and balls into one big box or two, I'm not sure I could untangle the mess in Stockholm.
As always, there doesn't seem to be enough boxes to fit everything in. I should have enough for the china and books, but I don't think I have enough left over for small items after all the books have been packed. It's been suggested I check out discount stores and see if I can find good boxes there. It's a good idea, but I don't have a car and dragging boxes through snow is not good idea. I'll figure out something.
So far I intend to pack soft stuff like fabrics and yarn into plastic trash bags instead of boxes. Different color from the bags intended for trash, of course. Imageine the horror should I lose all my stash! Perish the thought! :)
I'll be busy moving out of Tallinn apartment and moving into the Stockholm apartment for a good while, but I'll try to post here more often than I have so far this year.