An Estonian girl who has found a home in Sweden.

Wednesday, October 6

October 06, 2004 Posted by Vaire

Today is the day when it finally hit me: I'm going to Feast of St. Homobonus and I have nothing to wear! So I ironed 10 metres of linen and cut out my chemise. The chemise only took 2.6 m, but while I was ironing the fabric (drying linen in a dryer wrinkles it) I figured I might as well iron all of it.

I'm probably going to be a little more quiet about knitting because I'll be concentrating on sewing. If anybody is interested in checking out the progress I'm keeping a clothing diary too: The Diaries of a Venetian Courtesan.

I'm turning the heel on Fluted Banisters, nothing exiting or blogworthy going on there.

Stockholm sky today

And here is the stockholm sky for Sandy and Wendy.