An Estonian girl who has found a home in Sweden.

Sunday, May 7

May 07, 2006 Posted by Vaire

Thank you for your kind words, they are very much appreciated. I still catch myself thinking: 'I should get this for E, she would have liked it'. And then I remember that she's gone forever. I am glad that I met her and that she accepted me, not everyone is blessed with in-laws like her. I miss her.

Meanwhile, I've been busy trying not to think too much about this. Mind you, I haven't accomplished much. I've been starting projects and then ripping them or casting them aside. Except one. The Göss pincushion is finished.

Göss pincushion knot side

Side with a knot. I used a counted stem stitch to embroider this.

Göss pincushion cross side

Side with a cross. Long-armed cross stitch for this.